Wednesday, October 30, 2019



Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Minasan Kon’nichiwa …
Hajimemashite, Watashi wa Tenri to moshimasu
Watashi wa UPW no gakusei desu
Doozoo, yoroshiku onegaishimasu

Korekara, watashi wa toru keiken no setsumei shimasu
Shikasi watashi wa eigo de setsumei shimasu
Doomo Arigatou gozaimasu

Hello guys…. How’s your feeling now? I hope all you on good feeling  ^^
Well, let me introduce my self, My name is Andi Ahsing Ramadhani Tenriabeng  but all my friend just call me Tenri to be simple. I am student of Tour and Travel Business Study Program of Makassar Tourism Polytechnic on 3rd semester.

And this is my first post on my blog ^^
That is about my experience with all my classmate to do Marine Tourism, such as Snorkeling and Diving.

On October 10th and 11th 2019, we have done Marine Field Trip activities for 2 days and 1 night. We visited Dutungan Island in Barru Regency and Paputo Beach in Pare-pare City. We are accompanied by 2 Tour Leader, they are Mr. Didit and Ms. Sardika. Also with 3 Advisor, they are Sir Amirullah, Maam Atriana, and Maam Rosmila. And of course our Vendor PT. Mitra Selaras.

But before I explain my experience, I’d like to explain a little bit information about Dutungan Island itself.

So, Dutungan Island is known as a tiny island with an tree of around 9 hectares. The location is in the village of Cilelang, Palanro, Mallusetasi district, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. The tourism object of the island in Barru has been professionally developed, So that the accessibility is little bit friendly both for local tourists and tourist from outside Sulawesi.

Well, next about my experience during the field trip in Dutungan Island. Let’s check it out ^^

*                 DAY 1
Friday morning on 0ctober 10th 2019 around 06.00 am, we gathered in front  of Orange  Building to check participant and sharing id card and luggage tag before we get on the bus. Then, we guiding one by one about some material related to the way to go to the destination.

The 1st destination that we visited was Barru Regency, that is Dutungan Island. We leaving campus at 07.00 am and finally we arrived at 09.45 am in Barru Regency. But before we across to the Dutungan Island, we have to stop by in Tanjung Indah Dock and then we ride the boat the go there. It’s spent time about 15 until 20 minutes.

After we arrived in Dutungan Island, we prepare ourselves before do Snorkeling and diving. Like we changes our clothes to the swimming clothes and also we got some information about diving and snorkeling. The information is about the rules and equipment of diving and snorkeling. Because it’s  very important for us as the beginner. Then we got lunch before we go down to the sea, to increase our energy, because diving and snorkeling really exhaust energy.

At the first, I did snorkeling to train my body before diving, like how to breath by mouth and how to control your hands and legs on the sea. After that, we got ready to diving. During my diving time, I really excited because this is my first time. The instructor guide and show us the beautiful underwater scenery.

After diving and snorkeling we did an observation at Dutungan Island. The observation that we did is about the completeness of facilities and element 5A ( attractions , activity, accessibility, amenity, accommodation). And the result of my observation is Dutungan Island has many facilities such as gazebo, toilets, lodging, and etc. And of course the equipment of Diving and Snorkeling.

Next, after we did observation, we leaving Dutungan Island and headed to Pare-Pare city to go to Delima Sari Hotel. We arrived and check-in at Hotel at 17.30 pm and then we prepared for dinner and presentation night. At 19.00 pm, we dinner in Ayam Penyet Ria restaurant that located near from our hotels so that we just need 5 minutes to go there by walking. Then after that we back to hotel to presented what we got all day long during our trip especially about marine tour. And then we ended by some entertain by each group. It’s really fun and unforgettable night. And finally we back to our room to take a rest.

*                 DAY 2
The next day, on Friday October 11th 2019, we started  our activities at 05.00 am. We did morning exercise and went to The True Love of Habibie & Ainun Monument. It’s near from the hotel so that we just need 20 minutes to get there by walking. Some of my friend did a little jogging in there.

After that, we back to the hotel and prepared to check out from the hotel, but we took breakfast first. Then we leaving the hotel at 08.00 am and headed to Paputo Beach at Pare-pare city to do some observation in there. 

Well, I’ll explain a little bit information about Paputo Beach itself.

Pantai Pasir Putih Tonrangeng ( Tonrangeng White  Sand Beach ) or known by the abbreviation Paputo, has now become one of the new tourist attraction in Lumpu village, West Bacukiki district, Pare-pare City. As the name implies, the attraction of Paputo is of course it is white sand. There are rarely white sandy beaches in Pare-pare. Not only that, the cool air and the waves helped spoil the visitors while relaxing in the gazebo. For those who bring children, they don’t have to be worry, beside being able to play water, the manager of Paputo also provided a playground for children.

After we did the observation then we did some games and having fun together like singing and dancing. It’s really fun and entertained and of course make us being more closer each together. Then we got relaxing time.

After that, we headed to Teras Empang Restaurant for lunch. That located  in Pare-pare City and near from Paputo Beach itself. Teras Empang Restaurant is one the unique restaurant that I’ve been visited. Because of the theme of this restaurant it’s like we are on the boat and we also can enjoy a beautiful view of pond.

After we got lunch and praying, finally we leaving the restaurant and return back to our beloved Campus, Makassar Tourism Polytechnic in Makassar City.

So, that’s all about my experiences during Marine Field Trip in Dutungan Island and Paputo Beach for 2 days and 1 night. It’s really amazing and unforgettable trip.

I really thankful to my Campus, Poltekpar Makassar to give me and my friends the opportunity to do this activity. I’m so lucky to be tourism student. And also, thank you to Advisor and Tour Leader who handle and take care for us very well and give us more new knowledge. And of course, I thank you to our vendor PT. Mitra Selaras. And the most important thing is, I thank you to the Almighty Allah SWT because of its blessing so all of this can run smoothly and safely.

I’m so sorry if there’s a mistake and please tell me by comment so that I can be better. Thank you so much … and see you on my next blog ~~

Hai minasan ….
Watashi no toru keiken wa ijoo desu
Shitsumon ga arimasuka?? Moshi, soonara. Komento shite kudasai ^_^
Doomo Arigatou Gozaimasu..

Sayoonaraa ~~

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Monday, October 28, 2019



Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Minasan Kon’nichiwa …
Hajimemashite, Watashi wa Tenri to moshimasu
Watashi wa UPW no gakusei desu
Doozoo, yoroshiku onegaishimasu

Korekara, watashi wa toru keiken no setsumei shimasu
Shikasi watashi wa eigo de setsumeishimasu
Doomo Arigatou gozaimasu

Hello guys….
How’s your feeling now? I hope all of you on good feeling  ^^
Well, let me introduce my self, My name is Andi Ahsing Ramadhani Tenriabeng  but all my friend just call me Tenri to be simple. I am student of Tour and Travel Business Study Program of Makassar Tourism Polytechnic on 3rd semester.

Welcome back to my blog ^^
This is my second post of my blog

That is about my experiences with all my classmate to do Nature Tourism, such as Tracking and visited some place in North Toraja.

On October 14th until October 16th 2019, we have done our field trip activities for 3 days and 2 nights. We visited some place in Toraja Regency. We were accompanied by 2 Tour Leader, they are Mr. Didit and Ms. Mifta. Also with 2 advisors, they are Mr. Amirullah and Mr. Matius Tinna Sarira. And of course our vendor PT. Mitra Selaras.

Before I explain about my experiences, I’d like to explain a little bit information about Toraja Regency itself.

Toraja Regency is one of the iconic and beautiful of South Sulawesi, let alone in Indonesia. From the distance, one can see the jagged riges of thehill stretching side by side along the slope of the moutains. Moreover, one can be also find beautiful valleys in which bamboo and sugar palms are growing and the traditional houses with curved roof among the paddy field, beautiful and naturally carved and colored by the skill full people of Toraja.

More than half of the people of Toraja are Christians, but they are proud of their Cultural heritage and uphold it. This can be seen when they welcome the guest ritually.

Well next, it’s about my experiences during the field trip in Toraja Regency, exactly in North Toraja.

Let’s check it out ^^
  •   Day 1
Monday morning on October 14th 2019 around 07.00 am, we gathered in front of Orange building to check participant and sharing id card and luggage tag before we get on the bus. And of course our tour leader tell us about the rules during this field trip and guide us  to praying before headed to the destination. Then, as usual we guiding on the bus one by one about some material related to the way to go to the destination.

After 3 hours of trip, around 11.00 am, we arrived in Kupa Beach Restaurant at Barru Regency to having lunch and praying time. Beside this restaurant we can enjoy a beatiful view of beach and fresh wind.

Next, we continued our trip and headed to Bambapuang at Enrekang Regency to take a rest and have some coffee or tea. In this place, there are so many thing that can we enjoy, such as restaurant, souvenir store, traitional food store and the most amazing thing is the beautiful view of mountains, Gunung Nona mountain. Late in the afternoon around 16.00 pm, directly to Toraja.

Finally we arrived in Indra Toraja Hotel and check in at 19.00 pm, then we got prepared before having dinner in Ayam Penyet Ria restaurant that located near from our hotel so that we can go there by walking.

After having dinner, we did some evaluation night like discussing about our trip all day long of today. It ended at 21.00 pm and then free program.

  •   Day 2

Tuesday morning on October 15th 2019, we started our activities at 05.00 am by morning call by some of my friends. A hour later, we having breakfast at restaurant of the hotel. We served by some menu choices for breakfast, such as bread, pancake, fried rice, some fruits, coffee, tea, and milk. That was good enough.

At 07.00 am, we headed to the first authority that is Tinembayo. In this place, we can enjoy the beautiful view of great mountain and fertile land of rice field. And then we continued to Batutumonga to started our soft trackking until Loko’mata. In Loko’mata we can find out so many stone grave.

From Loko’mata we did soft trackking at 09.00 am. On the way, we visited the traditional activities of Toraja people, that is “Mutual Working”. They worked together to build the house. All the men worked in terms of moving building materials. While all the women worked provide food and drinks for all the workers. It’s a very natural scenery.

Then we continued our trip, it’s spent time around 2 hours till we arrived at Mentirotiku Restaurant to having lunch and praying time. In this restaurant we served by traditional food of Toraja namely “Pa’piong”, it made by chicken and greated coconut and served in bamboo. The others menu are tempeh and tofu, capcay, and red rice.

After that at 13.00 pm, we got ready for hard trackking. We started at Lempo’ to Bori. On the way of our trackking, there are so many things and places that we visited.

The 1th is we visited one of the houses of residents who have a “Tedong Bonga”. Tedong Bonga is a unique buffalo because the color of their body part and head part is different. The amazing thing of this buffalo is the price that so expensive which is the range of hundred of billions.

Next, we also visited Menhir stone grave of Toraja. The shape is like a stone that rises high. But, there’s varies height according to the owner’s strata level. Usually, Toraja people held Ma’badong dance in this place. Ma’badong dance is held at the funerals ceremony which is performed in groups.

Next, we visited the process of engraving the Tongkonan traditional houses of Toraja. That carving was carved by local people of Toraja itself. This carving has 4 motifs. There are symbolic meaning of this ornamental design. That have the role as a symbols of the basic tife of Toraa People. Consist of : Pa’ Barre Allo, Pa’ Manuk Londong, Pa’ Tedong, Pa’ Sussuk.

Next, we visited “The Baby Grave”. Toraja People believed that only babies who have died and have not yet grown teeth are burried here, precisely in a Tarra tree. Babies who don’t have teeth are considered still sacred. While the Tarra tree was chosen as a baby grave because this type of tree has a lot of sap which is considered as a substitute for breast milk for the babies.

Next, we visited “Bori” as the finish point of our trackking. In this place we can find out some burials and also the unique traditional house of Toraja that has so many buffalo horn. 

Last but not least, we stop over for awhile in “Todi”. This place is like a souvenir store. But inside this store we can also saw the processing of weaving. Weaving it’s very famous in Toraja, and the woven fabric is very expensive.

Late in the afternoon around 17.00 pm. After we visited some places by trackking. Then we got ready to back to hotel to prepared before having dinner and evaluation night as usual.

At 19.30 pm, we went to Ayam Penyet Ria restaurant by walking to having our dinner. The menu has changes, it’s different from yesterday. I’m so glad about it. After we having our lunch, we did evaluation night.

That night was a little longer than yesterday because it was our last night in Toraja. We discussed some of things about our trackking stories. Some of my friends claimed that it was their first time, and it’s very unforgotable experiences ever. And also me too. I express my feelings about how happy I am to be able to meet and be classmates with them. They are great people that I have ever met.
After all of us sharing each other, then it ended at 21.30 pm. And we back to hotel to take rest and sleep because tomorrow morning we have to back to Makassar.

  •   Day 3
Wednesday morning on 16th 2019, we started our activities at 05.00 am by morning call by some of my friends like yesterday. Then we have our breakfast in Restaurant of the hotel. The menu in that morning a little bit different from yesterday. I’m grateful about it.  

At 07.00 am, after breakfast we prepared our personal belongings and then check out from the hotel. But, before we get on the bus, we went to the Traditional market of Toraja by walking because the located was near from the hotel. In Traditional market, we bought some souvernir and traditional cake of Toraja, namely  Deppa Tori.

Next, we visited Lakipadada Statue. And then we got some information about it from our advisor.

After that, we headed to Bambapuang that located in Enrekang Regency, to take a rest and having coffee or tea. Also, we enjoy our refreshment box. This place really recommended for you who like to see mountain scenery.

Next, around 15.00 pm, we arrived in Teras Empang Restaurant for having our lunch and praying time. That located in Pare-pare city. This restaurant is one of the unique restaurant because the interior looks alike boat, exactly “Phinisi Boat”. As we know, “Phinisi Boat” is the iconic thing of South Sulawesi. While you enjoy your meal, you can also enjoy e beautiful view of pond and the atmosphere of Pare-pare City. The meal’s taste was good enough.

Late in the afternoon, we headed to back to Makassar. On the way, we enjoyed time together with fun like joking and singing. Until nightfall, we stop over in one of the local restaurant in Maros Regency to having our dinner, namely “RM. Idaman”. We served by traditional and simple meals.

After we have dinner, finally we leaving the restaurant and return back to our beloved Campus, Makassar Tourism Polytechnic in Makassar City and arrived at arond 20.30 pm.

So, that’s all about my experiences during Nature Field Trip in Toraja  for 3 days and 2 nights. It’s really amazing and unforgettable trip.

I really thankful to my Campus, Poltekpar Makassar to give me and my friends the opportunity to do this activity. I’m so lucky to be tourism student. And also, thank you to Advisor and Tour Leader who handle and take care for us very well and give us more new knowledge. And of course, I thank you to our vendor PT. MitraSelaras. And the most important thing is,I thank you to the Almighty Allah SWT because of its blessing so all of this can run smoothly and safely.

I’m so sorry if there’s a mistake and please tell me by comment so that I can be better. Thank you so much … and see you on my next blog ~~

Haiminasan ….
Watashi no torukeikenwaijoodesu
Shitsumonga arimasuka?? Moshi, soonara.Komento shite kudasai ^_^
Doomo Arigatou Gozaimasu..

Sayoonaraa ~~

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Sunday, October 13, 2019



Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Minasan Kon’nichiwa …

Hajimemashite, Watashi wa Tenri to moshimasu

Watashi wa UPW no gakusei desu

Doozoo, yoroshiku onegaishimasu

Korekara, watashi wa toru keiken no setsumei shimasu

Shikasi watashi wa eigo de setsumei shimasu

Doomo Arigatou gozaimasu

Hello guys…. How’s your feeling now? I hope all of you on good feeling  ^^

Well, let me introduce my self, My name is Andi Ahsing Ramadhani Tenriabeng  but all my friend just call me Tenri to be simple. I am student of Tour and Travel Business Study Program of Makassar Tourism Polytechnic on 3rd semester.

And this is my first post on my blog ^^

That is about my experience with all my classmate to do Marine Tourism, such as Snorkeling and Diving.

On October 10th and 11th 2019, we have done Marine Field Trip activities for 2 days and 1 night. We visited Dutungan Island in Barru Regency and Paputo Beach in Pare-pare City. We are accompanied by 2 Tour Leader, they are Mr. Didit and Ms. Sardika. Also with 3 Advisor, they are Sir Amirullah, Maam Atriana, and Maam Rosmila. And of course our Vendor PT. Mitra Selaras. 

But before I explain my experience, I’d like to explain a little bit information about Dutungan Island itself.

So, Dutungan Island is known as a tiny island with an tree of around 9 hectares. The location is in the village of Cilelang, Palanro, Mallusetasi district, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. The tourism object of the island in Barru has been professionally developed, So that the accessibility is little bit friendly both for local tourists and tourist from outside Sulawesi.

Well, next about my experience during the field trip in Dutungan Island. Let’s check it out ^^

*      DAY 1

Thursday morning on 0ctober 10th 2019 around 06.00 am, we gathered in front  of Orange  Building to check participant and sharing id card and luggage tag before we get on the bus. Then, we guiding one by one about some material related to the way to go to the destination.

The 1st destination that we visited was Barru Regency, that is Dutungan Island. We leaving campus at 07.00 am and finally we arrived at 09.45 am in Barru Regency. But before we across to the Dutungan Island, we have to stop by in Tanjung Indah Dock and then we ride the boat to go there. It’s spent time about 15 until 20 minutes.

After we arrived in Dutungan Island, we prepare ourselves before do Snorkeling and diving. Like we changes our clothes to the swimming clothes and also we got some information about diving and snorkeling. The information is about the rules and equipment of diving and snorkeling. Because it’s  very important for us as the beginner. Then we got lunch before we go down to the sea, to increase our energy, because diving and snorkeling really exhaust energy.

     At first, I did snorkeling to train my body before diving, like how to breath by mouth and how to control your hands and legs on the sea. After that, we got ready to diving. During my diving time, I really excited because this is my first time. The instructor guide and show us the beautiful underwater scenery.

After diving and snorkeling we did an observation at Dutungan Island. The observation that we did is about the completeness of facilities and element 5A ( attractions , activity, accessibility, amenity, accommodation). And the result of my observation is Dutungan Island has many facilities such as gazebo, toilets, lodging, and etc. And of course the equipment of Diving and Snorkeling.

Next, after we did observation, we leaving Dutungan Island and headed to Pare-Pare city to go to Delima Sari Hotel. We arrived and check-in at Hotel at 17.30 pm and then we prepared for dinner and presentation night. At 19.00 pm, we dinner in Ayam Penyet Ria restaurant that located near from our hotels so that we just need 5 minutes to go there by walking. Then after that we back to hotel to presented what we got all day long during our trip especially about marine tour. And then we ended by some entertain by each group. It’s really fun and unforgettable night. And finally we back to our room to take a rest.

*      DAY 2
The next day, on Friday October 11th 2019, we started  our activities at 05.00 am. We did morning exercise and went to The True Love of Habibie & Ainun Monument. It’s near from the hotel so that we just need 20 minutes to get there by walking. Some of my friend did a little jogging in there.

After that, we back to the hotel and prepared to check out from the hotel, but we took breakfast first. Then we leaving the hotel at 08.00 am and headed to Paputo Beach at Pare-pare city to do some observation in there. 

Well, I’ll explain a little bit information about Paputo Beach itself. 

Pantai Pasir Putih Tonrangeng ( Tonrangeng White  Sand Beach ) or known by the abbreviation Paputo, has now become one of the new tourist attraction in Lumpu village, West Bacukiki district, Pare-pare City. As the name implies, the attraction of Paputo is of course it is white sand. There are rarely white sandy beaches in Pare-pare. Not only that, the cool air and the waves helped spoil the visitors while relaxing in the gazebo. For those who bring children, they don’t have to be worry, beside being able to play water, the manager of Paputo also provided a playground for children.

After we did the observation then we did some games and having fun together like singing and dancing. It’s really fun and entertained and of course make us being more closer each other. Then we got relaxing time.

After that, we headed to Teras Empang Restaurant for lunch. That located  in Pare-pare City and near from Paputo Beach itself. Teras Empang Restaurant is one the unique restaurant that I’ve been visited. Because of the theme of this restaurant it’s like we are on the boat and we also can enjoy a beautiful view of pond.

After we got lunch and praying, finally we leaving the restaurant and return back to our beloved Campus, Makassar Tourism Polytechnic in Makassar City. 

So, that’s all about my experiences during Marine Field Trip in Dutungan Island and Paputo Beach for 2 days and 1 night. It’s really amazing and unforgettable trip.

I really thankful to my Campus, Poltekpar Makassar to give me and my friends the opportunity to do this activity. I’m so lucky to be tourism student. And also, thank you to Advisor and Tour Leader who handle and take care for us very well and give us more new knowledge. And of course, I thank you to our vendor PT. Mitra Selaras. And the most important thing is, I thank you to the Almighty Allah SWT because of its blessing so all of this can run smoothly and safely. 

I’m so sorry if there’s a mistake and please tell me by comment so that I can be better. Thank you so much … and see you on my next blog ~~

Hai minasan ….

Watashi no toru keiken wa ijoo desu

Shitsumon ga arimasuka?? Moshi, soonara. Komento shite kudasai ^_^

Doomo Arigatou Gozaimasu..

Sayoonaraa ~~

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh